Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Calling Vincent,Dillon,Ben and Pam
I NEED TO BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where are my fellow bitches.....Im foaming in the mouth and im about to get fits.....
Oh god... Im writing in PINK coz thats the bitch colour. Thats what Vincent my posse told me anyway...... and Im wearing my favourite BITCH necklace..
Yes.....I need to bitch.... if Pamela is here...I could bitch in Spanish like we always do...but again my Spanish is getting rusty..... and I need to go back to Cambridge to take up extra classes for Spanish.....
My bloke gets rather scared of me when I use my Paris Hilton perfume.... BITCH perfume..... yes...and smell like a baby prostitute.) And he gets really scared if I wear my extra higher-than-usual- heels and yes the Latin skirt.... he knows Im gonna bitch my whole way from our doorstep to the elevator down to the traffic light to the MRT and to our destination and back home.....coz I get very FIESTY...
I was like christianed with the word "fiesty" from my close friends or something....I cant help it..... coz this country Im in right now....there's just too much NOT to bitch about.
Its only when I stick to my Dior bags........and white skirts and more mellow perfumes like Estee Lauder Exotic and Gucci Rush, then he breathes a sigh of relief.
My remedy for bitching is to have good responsive bitching buddies....
I have a group of them.... I call them Benny,Vincy and Dill, and Pamy. Even though their names are far more sophisticated than that.....but bitches has to have bitchy names and my bitch name is my name in itself.....
And no... my BIATCH groupie dont lead bad lives coz all of them including me are in university and we are all studying for our degrees......its just that our vocabulary does not limit itself only in the lecture halls......its free and easy to public. Its like my favourite line is always....IF YOU DONT LIKE ME,THEN CALL 1800-EAT SHIT......
My bloke is like the super NOT bitchy type....its hard to even start bitching in front of him.
He always goes like"Hunney.....leave the poor girl alone...or its ok...dont scold the taxi driver...Baby....dont scold the salesgirl....."
If I asked for my shoe size for the 3rd time and its not even a casual shoe store but a high end shoe store and the salesgirl act like she has more money than the Singapore Mint and completely acts snotty to me.....what do you want me to do?
Be nice and say"Oh its ok.... let me come back with a loudspeaker and plug it into your ass hole so u can hear me better!"
Of course I wont do that...so whats the best thing to do?
Or when the taxi driver pick me and my bloke up and then told me to get off the taxi because he wanted to pick up a passenger who did a phone booking.
I mean come on... why pick me up in the first place and then even ask me for my destination and then ask me to get off....????
He was like" Oh...Im so sorry...can you get off the taxi coz I forgot I had to pick up another passenger who booked the taxi?"
Me being me.... I told him to take me to my destination or I would make sure he never drives another cab ever again......
Am I being a bitch here? Its not my fault that he stopped for me and then ask me to get off so he can earn an extra $4.20 to pick up another customer?
So I bitch and I bitch and I bitch....coz I was having asthma on that day and wanted badly to go home and my ex boyfriend (this stupid cop I was dating back then) actually apologised to the taxi driver and dragged me out of the taxi. I screamed and yelled and called the driver all the female and male genitals that I know of in every possible language and kicked his taxi door several times.... the taxi driver wanted to give in and apologised.......but my stupid ass of a Singapore Police Force ex boyfriend had to play all the goodie goodie "Im-A-Cop" shit and told me to get another taxi.
I broke up with him the following week.One more thing...dont ever date a cop.... they are possesive like Chucky the doll from hell. He even got a copy of my bills, he monitors my every movement, even followed me when I went out with my girlfriends.
I vowed to myself never to date another cop.....he was so entirely obsessed with me that even when Im not with him, he makes me sms him my every move like when Im out shopping with the girls... he wants me to sms him every place we went, everything we said and he forbid me to go to Far East Plaza.....I told him to stuff his police baton up his ass hole after 5 months.
The guy Im dating now wouldnt fight for his rights but at least he gives me freedom.....
I wont dare to be so violent in the states or back in Indonesia of course...or even my second home Thailand lol.... coz first of all..... I dont even need to bitch that much about anything coz you really cant be bothered to bitch especially in countries like Thailand and Indonesia coz everything is so cheap and everyone is just so accomodating........ and the best thing about these countries is that the people are not pampered. They dont expect everything to be done for them....
Singaporeans have a tendency to complain and complain and they expect everything to be laid on the table for them. Like with my former company.....YES...the company I just left to gain my freedom back..... when a customer buys a ticket, they expect you to give them every fucking detail of the venue. Like for example " Do you have cafes and restaurants around there where I can eat? "Do you know if there will be parking space on the day of the show itself, how much will the parking space be?"
No! Fuck face.... I don't know if the parking space will be available on that day itself..tell you what...why don't I plant myself the night before the show on the parking lot and inform you if its available just before the show starts....and yes my daddy owns all the cafes and restaurants around that area, I will let you know all the names of the eating places around the venue of the show including the width and height of the stores....how about that?" Or maybe you can make friends with something call INTERNET???????????
I dont complain....I just bitch and take actions myself...
Unlike some Singaporeans I know who always threatened to write to the forum.... everytime they can't get what they want.
Listen people... you can surrender your freaking birth cert or the day your husband divorced you to the forum but the forum will not get you whatever you want.This is Singapore.....goverment rules...
The forum is just a place for people to complain and complain and the result you get is usually "Nothing"
I dont bother to write in forums...... I only take actions of my own to get what I want and then the only place Ill appear in the Straits Times is not the forum but the HEADLINES.....
I want to get a cat.... but Im seldom home and Zahid don't fancy cats at the moment.... he fancies teddy bears for this moment so until this phrase blows over....Ill stick to playing with the cats downstairs. If they look like they have rabbies..... then I shall play with myself...I mean my toy cats...not pussies....just real furry kittens that are actually soft toys... ok...forget it......Ive lost it...

Posted from Friendster: 31st January 2006

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