Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Matching Point

Have you ever been in a room full of familes and friends and strangers walking around aimlessly and your boyfriend/girlfriend or fiancee is in the next room?
You are aware you are not there alone neither are you at a party of a total stranger looking for love.... you are in love
But out of the corner of your eye........ you see this person.This person not only caught your eye but also the chemicals in those test tube your chemistry teacher never told you about starts to boil.
You just know you have to talk to that person. Lo and behold, after you did, you found out the she or he is engaged to your sister's best friend or may fate holds it in for you, your cousin's wife.
You can't help it........ you know your other half is in the next room.....but shit just want to grab you in the face sometimes...and you go for it.
If you are lucky, she or he got the hots for you too.....but if you are not...... you get rejected and you go back to your other half which is probably the safest thing you can do even if you might not knowe it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow..such words...all i say here refers to ur previous post...somehow...u happen to forget someone...weird..

Comments transfered from Friendster