Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Ha ha

These past few weeks have been rather interesting for me. I got out of the office. Got out of office wear, wore black pants and a white shirt and guess what?
PS:Before I start, congratulations to one of my fellow bitches who is one of CLEO'S Most Eligible Bachelor........... rooting for you Benjamin.If you win, you better buy me a drink.....you bitch.
I became a waitress at a friend's cafe. I got fucking sick of hearing the phone ring and the fax machine beep. As if in tune to my intentions, my laptop broke down.
I off my cell, and work as a waitress. The first hour felt so good, learning new things I have NEVER NEVER learn before.Even as a customer, I have never been demanding.I only flirt with the waiters, and check out the waitress for my guy friends.But being a waitress is different, its exhausting, I was on my feet the whole day for 10 hours straight. My friend who is the manager of the cafe was shaking her head after I broke one cup, slid on the floor that another staff just mopped, and grab a whole bunch of cookies on the way down with me, tore the buttons off my blouse and also mixed smoothie with coffee, she ask me one simple question
"Are you freaking human or just Daddy's princess?"
I would love to remain Daddy's princess but from the moment I told him I was gonna be independent, and after I bragged to him the company I started was doing well, he would only laugh...or he would kill me. Not that the company is doing so bad, but I thought how cool it would be, if I were to beg him to include me in his will or insurance and I could start a cafe. But this past week, I changed my mind.... Im not gonna run a cafe much less come near it....
Ill stick to my microwave oven meals,restaurants and ordering food off the counter instead of behind it.
I quit.......
Oh..... this sexy sexy someone from the past just msg me.....a certain lawyer dude....... for my faithful readers, you will know what I mean.........
I need to go to Thailand again.....and honestly, dont ask me why I keep on going to Thailand..... NO! Im not going for a sex change...its just that spas there are cheaper than the ones in Singapore.... you dont pay 600 bucks for a bloody mud bath...
This thingie for me is pretty unusual...... just when I fish and got a damn bloody big fish, just about to fuckign sit down and eat, at least a hundred other gigantic fishes swim by.....
Sal..... if you read this.... I need your new blog address......... I just cant get my hands on my freaking email...keep on getting junk mail...
I need Thailand I need Thailand......I need J...I mean Thailand......

Posted from Friendster: 14th February 2006

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