Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Want to hear an interesting thing? The day before Kenny G seats concert was held at Singapore Expo..... my system got hit by a virus and all the seats dissapeared.My initial reaction was I laughed. I absolutely refused to believe it. After that I realise, not only did I programme the seats, I also design the tickets...... my role was switch from a programmer to a system analyst within seconds and I started to panic. Fortunately, my IT support "boyfriends" in Australia intercept and help me out for 2 days.
Of course I did not waste an opportunity to flirt with the technical support guy but he sounded British and I did went out with this British dude once and I thought English dudes have terrible sense of fashion...from my point of view....that is...and I realise majority of American and English dudes can't dance. There was this American guy I went to a dance with....... he was practically jumping up and down on the same spot for about 3 minutes of the whole song.......Not only did he give me a headache.... he also made me feel about 5 inches shorter than I already am....... the only guys I noticed with a damn suave and cool dance moves are Hispanics....those R&B influenced Mexicans and black guys.... they are really good on the dance floor.... Malay dudes....they always have one style of dancing..... they just stand opposite each other in a circle and they just skip from one feet to the other. Im clueless as to what dance they call that.It pretty much look very tribal to me..... fortunately even though Zahid can dance like that, he also breakdance......so he knows a lot of breakdancing moves that I could at least be proud of to show my face in the clubs....... I hear Thai American dudes can do fire dance.....I want to see only one Thai American dude I have a crush on do the fire dance.... Joe where are you?
I just came back from a trip and I realised with no further ado that Singapore Airlines stewards look better than their stewardess.......out of the 3 stewardess that I notice in my flight..... only one could pass the "pretty" borderline.......I was quite dissapointed coz there were no cute stewards...... and the American dude sitting beside me kept on standing up to retrieve his bag in the overhead compartment and hit my head with his elbow each time he sits back down... between video games, and surfing the channels...... I fell asleep..... only to wake up from getting hit again by his elbow.... fortunately.... he fell asleep also...or I would be bitch slapping him all the way to landing grounds.....They should also change their elevator music to R&B during touchdown....coz it makes me sleep and ater walking down the whole aisle which I had no business to....to avoid being mistaken as a suspicious human carrying a suspicious item, or if I was mistaken as a suicide bomber I want the headlines to be "Hot Suicide Bomber explodes!"It would sound much better..... than "Suicide Bomber Kills 63 in airplane"
Why do I sound like a typical Singaporean? Complain, complain and complian after praising Singapore Airlines to high heaven... maybe I was cranky due to PMS but its all good... coz they are still the very best of every airline I know of.... and next time I will check out the stewardess shoes and ask her where she bought it from.They match her uniform...... lol.... real cute....Maybe I should write a book :How to Piss People off on board an aircraft" coz unlike a club they can't throw you out of the plane right?
In terms of my girlfriends history, "How to Blow The Load Off a Handsome Stranger in the seat next to you off an aircraft" and also "How To Know A Gorgeous Dude on the Airplane and Get Laid once You Touch Down"I bet those 2 will be best sellers.
I need to go back to Thailand in March and I want to bring my best friend cum business partner with me but actually getting out of Singapore and going there on the spa business thing is going to be a tough sell because Zahid would want to know the Why are you going? Who you going with?What are you doing? Where are you staying? Me & my BIG huge ass mouth......I told him that I have this friend in Thailand who is half American and half Thai...so naturally he felt insecure because he pictured this guy to be the magnificient American Thai Jon Jonsson. Well close......but obviously there are different reasons why people like people and not coz he looks like Brad Pitt's half brother or something......

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