Tuesday, January 9, 2007

To all my dear friends

This blog is gonna be senseless....
Pamela-I guess what they said about best friends and cousins were true.... even when you lose your handphone, they have your home number, your mother's house number,your father'soffice address...so you know you cant lose them.In this case, she is both....best fren and cuzzy plus business partner.
Ben- For being the sweetest fella to actually msg me his number. My battery is now dead as Im using Pamela's age old almost dying Samsung handphone till I get a state of the art Nokia phone.So i cant message you......and If I am not able to get away from the money making scheme of mine now... to support you at MOS and Spinelli for the Eligible Bachelor thing.... just know that I have sent sms to Cleo from my beat up old phone........to vote for you...and you are my favourite bachelor of all...
Boyfriend Zahid- well of course... he was the first to know about the unfortunate lose of my handphone because he was the last person to hold it......and of course... me being in between a bimbo and a bitch... was holding the phone on my ear and I can actually ask him "honey,where is my phone?" so accusing him of losing my phone would be unfair............... so needless to say another person who has my grandmother and my mother's number stored in his brain cells......
I know I can never get back the other numbers unless people message me while they suddenly thought of me....... while they were having sex and suddenly thought of the condom I recommended and they sms me, thats when Ill get their numbers back or the exes and ex flings, ex scandals and all those Nicole Richie girlfriends of mine suddenly realised shopping and life without me is just not the same....they would sms me........ cool.
To top it all off......I have to get a new laptop.
So, Im holding 4 jobs now.... plus going to classes to finish my degree off... and yes working on revamping my company....money is never enough..
Im distraught coz I have never lose my phone since I got my first phone till now.......
Because my bag was bigger than me... I lose my phone coz I couldnt see what I left in the seat of the taxi.....my precious phone.....
Still can't decide between Nokia and Samsung.....but my phone must be girly.....must be fucking pink...must have fucking diamonds........... which sick mobile inventor would invent that phone? I want to get Escada.... but thats gonna mean Im gonna miss my next spa trip to Thailand....so forget it....
God people...... sms me ur numbers.... Im not that unpopular am I?I only receive 4 numbers out of my previous 500 plus entries...Or maybe coz 300 of them are not on friendster....
ok somebody slap me so i can stop...
i lose all my good night messages and my handphone bill has actually gone down from a $300 a month to a mere $120...... and this phone my cousin Pamela gave me can only store 10 messages and it took me 5 minutes to reply one sms... I shouldnt complain.....shouldnt complain........im so sick.......so sick........

Posted from Friendster:27 February 2006

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