Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Wedding Crashing

If I was single, one of my new year resolutions of 2006 would be to crash as many weddings possible.But sadly all my comradies are either married or have boyfriends or have just retired from the scene.Thats simple..... coz right now...I officially dont have a Saturday Night Out girl group anymore..... US Navy ships docking has become an oblivious situation for me.....In the past, it would have been a champagne opening,Land Ahoy welcome for the sailors for me and my girlfriends but the past 2 years has been retirement from the social escorting scenes. ( The whole Monday "Ryan",Tuesday "Keith", Wednesday "Aaron" kind of life aint working for me anymore) And if Ryan from Monday is good....he stays for the whole week...get my drift?
2 of my mates have gotten married and have babies. One of my other mates cum cousin well......I dont know....it seems that she still have the Im-congratulating-you-but-Im-checking-Out-Your-Best-Man spirit in her. I can't wait for that spirit to come back into full sparks.Coz I miss that..... I miss that a lot...I have a boyfriend myself.....so it makes it doubly hard........ but I didnt realise how much I miss those times.......when Saturday nights out are not spent with our boyfriends in clubs and the last time I hit on the bartender....... my boyfriend hug me from the back a few seconds after I told the bartender I was at the club alone.........I swear he looked like he was gonna throw the drink I ordered at my face........ ( I quit drinking by the way....been sober for 2 years now) coz when I get drunk, I can't differentiate between a woman and a man.....thats bad....very bad...
See? Plans backfires....so Ive keep my big mouth shut to myself....and plus the ring that I have now on my finger (courtesy of my boyfriend who does not want to tell me straight to my face, that its sort of an engagament not made official yet) so Im gonna leave it at that....coz Singapore has this darn thing called National Service....and I know my boyfriend is working his lungs out now.....hoping that he will save enough money before he strips himself bare naked for Singapore in the army.....and many things can happen when he is in the army...
He might drop a bar of soap in the shower...and have his crack humped on ...never mind... you know...its gay stuff...and Im sure...Singapore National Service has a strict rule about gays etc...so my boyfriend is quite safe, he is after all not going to prison.His asshole is covered.But many things can happen, lots of my girlfriends broke up with their boyfriends because of NS.... coz their dudes dont have enough time for them....but I am always so busy and even now I dont see my boyfriend everyday but its fine with me...... coz 4 times a month is sufficient but during NS....he is sweating out in the jungle while I do the Madagascar with some other people out here...it dosent seem right......
The movie "wedding crashers" has sadly reminded me of times where Im shedding tears coz the dude Im seeing today was less cuter than the dude I was seeing yesterday.
Im not saying Im not happy with my relationship, I am. Im very happy but when I think about the future, its hard not to look back and cry "Mummy!" "What the fuck were you thinking when you got married?' I feel like asking people who break up after being together for more than 3 years...I feel like asking them "What do you do now? How are you gonna move on?" Ive never been with a guy for more than a month....and Ive been seeing Zahid for more than a year now.... I hope he can finish NS quickly so we all can move to the States...but sometimes Im sitting down and thinking..... I guess its just me and my cousin....coz he might not even be able to follow me.....
Anyway,as mean and bitchy as I am, I have never never hit on anyone at a relatives wedding.....(I dont have that many of them in singapore) but the last time I was at a relative wedding I tried hitting on a guy, he turned out to be my long lost distant cousin.I had to keep my skirt to myself.Church weddings are the best.........the bigger the better.....but the last one I went to was my teacher's...... and every guy there somehow has somewhat seen my butt sticking out from my panties during my junior years coz my school skirt got stuck to my panties after I peed,and started snickering when I came into the wedding with smiles that says"Oh....man....you were the girl who flashed your butt cheek during asembly!"
So forget that.....I had a few guys from the clubs, a few I met at weddings...usually I dont need to crash one....the only wedding I ever crash was because it was held in the same area, different address.I sat down, ate my fill when I realised that I didnt know anyone from the wedding, neither did I recgonise the bride and bridegroom....what the fuck? I already ate like 2 plates of food....so I decided to be nice.... and give the girl who look like the bride's sister some money.
I tried that again....but after mispronouncing the bridegroom's name as Makan when his name is really Marikan....I flipped....that was in an Indian temple..... and I was supposed to meet my mum for another wedding...I mean they wrote the freaking names out there in tamil...how the hell was I supposed to pronounced a name like Marikan....something...something anyway......
Well I discovered tha the only boys I usually would see at weddings were with families and they usually range from 7 years old to 13. The ones after that age usually prefers to sulk at home or masturbate, they wont follow mummy to weddings anymore.For my Malay friends who have invited me to their weddings.....thanks but no thanks. Because not only are there no single cute guys.....the available ones are all still in Secondary school and still trying to figure out what they want to be in life "a hip hop rapper? or a punk? or a skinhead? or just plain nerd...."they wear their pants like they got a truck load of shit in them....and well.Cross Colours jeans and Planet Alien/Versace jeans are still the in-thing...Jesus Christ......I did manage to get a few numbers from the guys washing the dishes though.....they are usually the single ones coz they dont have girlfriends who cling to their arms and expect them to take the food for them as well.
I went to 4 weddings this year....and the saddest part of all...my boyfriend was unable to attend not even one of them with me......and well....even if I had gone to a wedding with him....I would pile my plate with food.......go congratulate the bride,...check out the groom....and his best man....check out her younger brother....and reserve one dude for my best mate.Target closed in.....Ill sit down with my boyfriend.But Ive been a good girl this year..... coz in all the 4 weddings that I went to, everyone knows my boyfriend so I had to act like I love weddings and even willingly took photos while the happy couples poured chamgpagne and cut the cake.....after stuffing my face with the cake.....and giving them toasts they want to hear...and presents.....I left....
Oh god....... I miss my clubbing days. My girlfriends and I used to go clubbing 4 nights a week.....we would sometimes have yesterday's stamp still visible on our hands and since one of my cousin's cousin used to own a club.......we usually get everything for free....but since everyone got married and have children and all..... my last one standing cousin Pammy and myself are left standing outside of the marriage circle alone. Yeah....we do have our own modelling company now....and studies to complete and we both have adoring loving boyfriends who worships us like she's Pamela Anderson and Im Carmen Electra........... but deep inside me.....the Im-congratulating-you-but-Im-checking-out-your-best-man girl is still inside me......I just like my boyfriend enough not to let it out.....im just praying for the best to happen when he goes to the army..................
well............ to cut a long story short...... what I really wanted to say was...... enjoy yourself while you still can..........................I am a commit-phobic ( translation:commitment phobia) but I dont need to see my boyfriend everyday, at least 3 times a month when he goes to NS and a daily sms is all Im asking for.... coz I understand how tough NS life is........ ( Ive had countless flings with NS dudes....I know their book in and book out times by heart and the names of their officers better than them) so Im hoping for the best for Zahid...... and hope that NS can convinced him that leaving Singapore with me maybe is the best thing he could ever do......

Posted on 1st January 2006 from Friendster Blogs

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